Add items by item number Add items by item number to your cart. Use the TAB key to move to the next input field and the ENTER key to add the item to your cart.
Item number:     Quantity:    
Shopping cart items:Test-EK

Information about the cart icons

 ✓  - Green - These items are in stock.

 ✁  - Yellow - Some of the items you ordered are not in stock at the moment. They will be delivered in addition in calendar week KW .

 ✘  - Red - Most or all of the items you ordered are not in stock at the moment.They will be delivered in addition in calendar week KW .

 ✽  - Grey - You have ordered more items than available from a remnant. Please note: These items will NOT be shipped!

ItemNo Name unit price in stock   quantity   price
Overall price of all items in your shopping cart: 0,00
included VAT: 0,00
Please note, that there are additional postage and packing costs which depend on the size of your order.
Start your order

An order must have an overall value of at least minimum 50 Euro.

Important information about your order
Your order is completed by cash on delivery.

Please note, that your order will be not be processed by us but forwarded to one of our partners, which you can choose later in this order transaction. Your data will not be saved by Relags GmbH.
Please note: you can order only, if you find a local dealer in your country. Look at the following list! Thank you for your understanding.